Driving While License Suspended

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South Florida Criminal Traffic Attorney

Driving While License Suspended

Fort Lauderdale driving while license suspended defense attorney

In the State of Florida, knowingly driving with a suspended license is a misdemeanor crime.  If you are stopped by the police with a suspended or revoked license, you will likely be arrested and taken to jail, issued a mandatory court date and your vehicle will be towed.  A conviction for driving with a suspended license can make your insurance costs rise dramatically and if multiple violations occur within a 5 year period, your license can be suspended for 5 years as a habitual traffic offender.  (See Fla. Stat. 322.34) Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorney Antonio D. Quinn, Esq. represents Florida drivers are being charged with driving while license suspended.  Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorney Antonio D. Quinn, Esq. will appear on you behalf at all court appearances and will do everything possible to protect your driver's license and criminal record.

            Call Now (954) 463-0440 

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Driving with a Revoked or Suspended License in Florida

Under Florida Law, knowledge of the suspension or revocation determines whether a driver is charged with a misdemeanor crime or with a civil traffic infraction.  Under Florida law, you are presumed to have knowledge of the suspension, revocation or cancellation if:

  • You make a statement admitting that you were aware of the suspension or revocation
  • You have already been cited for Driving on a Suspended License
  • A judge or court order has been issued suspending, revoking or cancelling your license, as these contain mandatory notice requirements.

Drivers can have their licenses suspended for many reason including:

  • DUI
  • Failing to appear at a court appearance
  • Failing to pay tickets
  • Failing to meet child support obligations
  • Being convicted of a theft or drug offense

Law Enforcement officers will often charge people with Driving with a Suspended License with knowledge without properly investigating whether or not the driver had knowledge of the suspension.  Consequently, Antonio D. Quinn, Esq. has had success in getting his client's Driving While License Suspended charges reduced to civil infractions and obtaining withheld of adjudication of the charges which both protect his client's driving and criminal records.

Aggressive Legal Representation for Traffic Misdemeanors

If you have been arrested or issued a traffic citation for Driving While License Suspended, then it is imperative that you retain an experienced and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney to protect your driving privileges and criminal record.

  • If the police officer who stopped you did not have a valid basis for the stop, Quinn Law, P.A. can file a motion to suppress the stop and have those charges dismissed by the court.
  • Antonio D. Quinn, Esq. makes all court appearances on behalf of his clients saving them the inconvenience of having to appear in court themselves.
  • Attorney Quinn is familiar with the traffic courts and magistrates in Broward and Palm Beach Counties.
  • Quinn Law, P.A. is often able to get tickets dismissed or charges reduced
  • Quinn Law, P.A. can assist you in getting your license reinstated.

To schedule a case evaluation to review the facts and evidence in your Driving While License case, contact Quinn Law, P.A. at (954) 463-0440

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