Possession of Cocaine Attorney

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Possession of Cocaine

Fort Lauderdale Cocaine Possession Attorney

Possession of cocaine in any quantity is a felony in the State of Florida.  When facing any felony, it is essential to retain an aggressive and experienced criminal defense attorney who will fight to protect your freedom and your future.  Cocaine possession arrests usually occur as the result of a search and seizure by the police.  Search and seizure laws are dictated by the 4th Amendment of both the United States and the Florida Constitutions.  Because the right to be free from an unreasonable search and seizure is a Constitutionally guaranteed right, there are very strict guidelines which must be followed by the police in such cases.  As a result of this, possession of cocaine cases often offer an experienced attorney the opportunity to exploit missteps by the police for the benefit of their client.  The Constitution guarantees that items which are discovered by the police during an unlawful search and seizure must be excluded from trial, however it takes an experienced attorney to identify where the police have acted improperly and to seek redress from the Circuit Court.  Attorney Antonio D. Quinn, Esq. has extensive experience with search and seizure cases and has filed many motions to suppress evidence on behalf of clients in cases where the police have acted improperly.  If you or someone you care about has been arrested for possession of cocaine, call Quinn Law P.A. today at (954) 463-0440 or toll free (844) ADQ-LAW4 for a free case evaluation.  

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Possession of Cocaine Crimes in Florida

Possession of Cocaine

  • In Florida possession of less than 28 grams of cocaine is a third degree felony which is punishable by up to five years in Florida state prison.  A conviction for possession of cocaine also triggers a statutory one year driver's license suspension and a fine of up to $5,000.   See Fl. Stat. 893.13
  • There are often legal defenses available because of the strict requirements that are placed on police officers in search and seizure cases.  
  • If a charge of possession of cocaine is the result of unlawful conduct by the police, then a Motion to Suppress by a defense attorney will likely result in the charges being dismissed by the State Attorney's Office.  

Possession of Cocaine with Intent to Distribute

  • Possession of Cocaine with Intent to Sell or Deliver is a second degree felony in Florida.  A second degree felony is punishable by up to 15 years in Florida state prison. (See Fla. Stat. 893.135 (1) (b))
  • The intent to sell or deliver is an essential element of this crime and  in order for a person to be convicted, the element of intent must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.  
  • Some of the factors that are usually examined in determining intent are conversations with buyers, large quantities of cash, multiple individually wrapped bags or containers, possession of quantities are that are unusually large for personal use.  

Trafficking in Cocaine

  • Possession of cocaine in a quantity in excess of 28 grams is considered trafficking in cocaine in the state of Florida.  Trafficking in cocaine is a 1st degree felony for which a person faces a maximum penalty of up to 30 years in Florida state prison.  
  • The crime of trafficking in cocaine also has mandatory minimum fines and prison terms as a component of a conviction.  
  • A conviction for possession of more than 28 grams of cocaine but less than 200 grams has a 3 year mandatory minimum term of incarceration and a mandatory $50,000 fine.
  • Possessing over 200 grams of cocaine but less than 400 grams subjects an individual to a 7 year mandatory minimum prison sentence and a mandatory $100,000 fine.  
  • Possessing over 400 grams of cocaine but less than 150 kilograms has a mandatory minimum sentence of 15 years in state prison and a minimum fine of $250,0000.
  • A conviction for possession of more than 150 grams of cocaine carries with it a mandatory life sentence without the possibility of parole.  
  • Selling or trafficking in cocaine near a convenience store, school, park church or playground is a 1st degree felony.  

Possible Defenses to Possession of Cocaine

  • Knowledge is an essential element if any possession crime.  A conviction for possession of cocaine requires that the State satisfy their burden of proving the defendant's knowledge of of the presence of the cocaine beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • Illegal search and seizure:  The 4th Amendment places very stringent requirements on the police when they are conducting a search of a person or their property.  A deviation from the Constitutionally mandated guidelines regarding the manner in which searches are to be conducted can often lead to suppression of evidence and the eventual dismissal of criminal charges.  
If you or someone that you care about has been arrested for a cocaine possession crime, it is essential that you take the matter of retaining a criminal defense attorney seriously.  All cocaine related crimes are felonies and as such threaten a person's future.  Attorney Antonio D. Quinn has extensive experience handling cocaine possession and search and seizure cases.  Call (954) 463-0440 or toll free (844) ADQ-LAW4 for a free case evaluation.

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